Former Selangor CM, Mat Taib Confirms Joining PAS


KUALA LUMPUR, 22 Apr: The former Chief Minister of Selangor, Tan Sri Muhamad Muhd Taip declared today that he has officially joined PAS.

The membership form was submitted to the PAS President, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, witnessed by the PAS Deputy General Mursyidul, Datuk Dr Haron Din.

According to Abdul Hadi, he had met with Muhd Taib over the past year and his announcement to join PAS was made two days after the nomination day to avoid allegations that he is joining the party because he wanted to be a candidate.

“The announcement was deliberately made after the submission (nomination) of candidates. I had already met with him a year ago.

“At PAS, we welcome participation. This is from the support and political support from an influential person of Selangor.

“It also gives a new strength to PAS in facing the General Election,” he said briefly during a press conference.

For Mat Taib, the country now has to undergo changes towards Islamic spirit so that the people, especially the Malay-Muslims, can appreciate Islam more.

He explained that the joining PAS is the best choice and the society should give their votes to them.

“I do not wish to be a candidate and to get a position. I want to give my support to PAS.

“I became the Chief Minister for 11 years and I have been involved in politics with Umno since I was at the age of 25.

“Now I am 65 year old. It is true that the country has developed, Selangor is a develop state now and a changes must be made.

“Development must have a soul, without a soul it will be chaos.

“I that is any party can fill the soul, it must be a party that can fight for Islam.

“Only PAS leadership can bring about religious awareness,” he said.

He added that Islam must grow in cities, as many Malay-Muslims are in cities.

He said that the Malays in the city must raise and spread Islam through their votes.

In the meantime, Selangor PAS Commissioner, Dr Abdul Rani Othman also welcomed Mat Taib’s participation into PAS.

According to him, of course past history will be raised by the opponent and the matter will become a way of the fight.

Based on Mat Taib’s political background, he was the former Chief Minister of Selangor from 1986 to 1997.

He was the Batang Kali Assemblyman for years 1982, 1986, 1990 and 1995.

In addition, he was also appointed as the Senator of the National Senate from 2006 to 2009.

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