Umno-BN Continues to ‘Exploit’ People from Rural Areas


KUALA LUMPUR, 14 May: Datuk Thamrin Tun Ghafar Baba revealed the secret of Umno-BN’s victory of continuing to exploit people from rural areas by ‘provisions in return of kindness’ so that they continue to support Umno-BN during every election.

According to him, through this provision, those from rural areas will be kept in poverty and they (Umno-BN) will take advantage of the situation.


“Unfortunately, Malay voters from rural areas are poor. They are forced to receive RM500. When received, they feel indebted.

“When I was previously in Umno for a long time, this is Umno’s secret to victory.

“Umno-BN can remain in power due to the poverty of the people in rural areas,” he said at the May 13 Malaysia Race Day: Save Democracy.

In addition, the modus operandi of flaming racist sentiments is still carried out by Umno-BN despite the dark incident in 13 May 1969 having passed 44 years since because ‘the Devil is Still Around’.


“Tonight I want to repeat what I said in Gelang Patah and I am ready to fact the action.

“In fact, the May 13 incident was planned by Umno leaders, including Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to topple Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj and to raise Tun Razak,” he said.

Thamrin added that Mahathir has always been vindictive because since he was the Prime Minister, DAP Advisor, Lim Kit Siang is the main opposition.

Therefore, Kit Siang suggested for an Anti-Racism Movement (GAP) to be established to curb the racist culture which has been attempted to be brought back by a few irresponsible parties.

“GAP will also involve the participation of lawyers. Any racist remarks issued by any leader will be taken to court,” he added.

In the meantime, the one million people’s assembly will be held in the near future to demand for the democratic rights which were tarnished during the recent 13th General Election (GE-13).

In relation to that, the people have been asked to be prepared for any information regarding the matter through notices which will be disseminated within these five days.


The May 13 Malaysia Race Day, Save Democracy which was held at the Chinese Assembly Hall (KLCAH) saw the presence of nearly 500 supporters of democracy who also demanded for change following the many allegations of fraud during the 5 May polling day.

In the meantime, Anak Bangsa Malaysia (Children of Malaysia) represented by Student Solidarity Malaysia (SMM) and Youth Solidarity Malaysia (SAMM) also read the handwritten May 13 Declaration before handing it over to Nurul Izzah Anwar.

The declaration contains four items; that 13 May is the day of unity for the people of Malaysia, to reject the dirty GE-13, to establish a new Election Commission (EC) and to hold a rally to prove the people’s outrage.

Also present was the People’s Laureate, Datuk A Samad Said, who recited the poem entitled ‘Mother of All Lies’.

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