Ugly Reason to Reject Petition, Judges should ‘go back to college’ (UPDATED)


PETALING JAYA, August 12: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim described the action of the courts to reject the election petition filed by Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in favour of the Umno-BN government as giving an ugly impression.

At the press conference at the PKR headquarters, he expressed disappointment because there were some petitions that were rejected simply because it was not submitted by the applicant, but by the lawyers.

The Opposition Leader stated that this is a disgraceful state of the country’s judiciary and that the judge’s decision is also irresponsible and does not make sense. Said it disgraceful state of the judiciary, the opposition leader said, saying the judge’s decision is irresponsible and unacceptable sense.

“Firstly is the dismissing of the case with the most irresponsible basis. Sensible Malaysians can think regarding this matter and how it can be rejected.

“I have not taken dozens of my cases myself, it was all through attorneys. For me, the judges should go back to college,” he said disappointingly because of the failure of the election management which has not been examined.

“It seems that the trial has been deliberately avoided to avoid facts from being highlighted, except in cases involving Umno-BN petitions such as in Sabah and Kelantan.

Anwar said that Pakatan filed petitions to the court through legitimate channels to avoid from incidents such as in Thailand and Egypt from arising, however, the opposite happened.

“We were beaten by unreasonable excuses and abused with very high payments,” he said.

However, he said, some of the other applications will be heard on December 2 such as the Election Commission (EC) fraud in the use of indelible ink.

He said that the majority of voters chose Pakatan as the government, but lacked seats in the GE-13, and this is proven through research carried out by the Merdeka Centre, an independent research body, which proved that Umno-BN won because of early votes and postal votes.

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