Mother of Murder Victim Cries Uncontrollably at the People’s Tribunal


SUBANG JAYA, 19 SEPT: “I just want justice for my son’s death. That’s it,” said the mother of the late K Murugan while shedding tears when questioned by the panel of the People’s Tribunal regarding the 13th General Election (GE-13).

Rajamah Pachiapan sobbed when recalling the incident of losing Murugan, 36, who is believed to have been murdered near the Bemban Industrial Park pond at Batu Gajah on 1 May.

When recounting the moment when Murugan went missing, the ninth witness said that her son did not return home after leaving to clean up the lecture hall at about 12am.

“He has lived together with me all this while. He told me he was going out to clean up the meeting hall where the lecture took place that night.

“But he did not return until his body was found on 5 May,” she said confirming that her son received threatening phone calls to not support PKR.

She said that the police did not take any action till today, despite a series of police reports being filed.

“I have been interrogated but unfortunately, there have been no action from the police. I just want justice,” she said.

K Murugan was the personal bodyguard and a campaign worker for the Tapah Parliament candidate, K Vasantha Kumar.

His body was found near the Bemban Industrial Park pond in Batu Gajah on 1 May, with injuries and his body was slashed and tied with wires.

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