Selangor welcomes cooperation to improve tourism

FRASER HILL, 25 Aug: The state government welcomes the federal government’s readiness to cooperate for the development of the tourism industry in Selangor and the country in general.

The partnership is believed to improve the tourism sector in Selangor because it is known to be a place of attraction in the country.

The Exco for Tourism, Environment, Green Technology and Consumer Affairs, Elizabeth Wong, said the working visit from the Minister of Tourism and Culture, Datuk Seri Nazri Abdul Aziz, is evidence of the seriousness and towards the common good.


“The state government welcomes Datuk Seri Nazri Abdul Aziz’s visit to Selangor.

“It shows that we have the same objective to generate Selangor’s economy and the country’s in close cooperation between two parties,” she told Selangor Kini.

Elizabeth said that Nazri’s visit is to survey attractive tourist areas in Hulu Selangor that is good for local tourism development and in accordance with the Visit Selangor Year 2015.

He said that the commitment expressed to assist Selangor is good because previously the state government did not received mush support and assistance from the federal government.

“We strive to develop tourism in Selangor, including Hulu Selangor, via eco-tourism.

“The Hulu Selangor District Council (MDHS) and relevant parties should focus on eco-tourism.

“If we look at the agenda of this visit, there is uniqueness and beauty in Selangor obtained from areas like this,” she said.

With continuous effort and promotion, she said that the eco-tourism industry here and in Selangor in general will receive worldwide attention.


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