Selangor Pekawanis and Puspanita to foster bilateral ties

SHAH ALAM, 17 Mar: The Selangor Women’s Welfare and Charity Organisation (Pekawanis) will hold a friendly meeting with the Selangor Public Service Wives and Members Organisation (Puspanita).

The Selangor Chief Minister’s wife, Shamsidar Taharin, said that this is the first meeting between Pekawanis and Puspanita to strengthen relationships between the two organisations.


She said that also going to be present at the meeting is the Secretary of Puspanita, Aziah Kamarudin; the Health and Women’s Affairs Exco, Dr Daroyah Alwi, and Puspanita members from several districts.

“This first meeting aims to meet the two organisations to plan joint programmes.

“Pekawanis intends to hold a weekly Tadabur Al-Quran programme with Al-Quran Tazkirah and Tafsir.

“I also hope that every programme carried out will be better and successful in the future,” she said.


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