RM357,000 to sponsor 35 youths for the UPM diploma programme

SHAH ALAM, 6 Mar: A total of 35 Local Youth Motivators (PeBT) have been chosen to participate in the Youth in Executive Development Work Diploma (DBKP) programme for three years, with full sponsorship of RM357,200 from the state government.

The Exco for Young Generation Development, Amirudin Shari, said that the initiative is taken to provide special space for PeBT youth leaders to develop their leadership skills.

“This programme is to train participants to be proactively competitive in planning, implementing and evaluating youth development programmes at the community level.


“In the end, of course the Selangor government and the people will benefit greatly from these future graduates,” he said.

He said this in his speech at the MoU Ceremony between the Selangor government and UPM on the DBKP at the Ballroom, Silver Jubilee Hall, today.

He then witnessed the signing ceremony between the Selangor government and UPM.

The State Government Deputy Secretary (Development), Datuk Mohamad Roslan Sakiman, signed the MoU for the Selangor government while UPM was represented by its Vice-Chancellor, Datuk Mojd Fauzi Ramlan.

Meanwhile, Mohd Fauzi hopes that the signing of the MoU would be the impetus and motivation to other parties to emulate Selangor’s effort in promoting state excellence through youth development.

“The organisation of this programme is in line with the desire to make the country achieve the status of a developed nation by 2020, as well as being in line with the 10MP in human capital development.

“Among the positions that can be filled by graduates of this programme cover all stages from Assistant Youth Officer, Youth Development Training Manager, Human Resources Planning, up to Researchers in Youth Development,” he said.

At the moment, UPM is ranked the 56th best agricultural university in the world, seventh in Asia and first in Southeast Asia.


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