Refusing to return RM2.6 million, MBI forced to act

SHAH ALAM, 4 Feb: Selangor Menteri Besar Incorporated (MBI) will pursue legal action against eight former officers of the former Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, following their refusal to return the gratuity payment of RM2.6 million within the stipulated period.

The Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, said that MBI will act as decided earlier because the 14-day period given has expired.


“They did not return it; instead they are demanding a higher payment than they should. We have no choice but to act on legal channels.

“Lawyers appointed by MBI have already started proceedings,” he said after the launching of the Selangor Al Quran Memorising event.

MBI previously sent letters to the eight former officers of Abdul Khalid to return the money within a period of 14 days, but they failed to do so.


All the former officers reportedly received gratuity payment at the end of Abdul Khalid’s service as the Chief Minister before being taken over by Mohamed Azmin.

The results of the audit report on the payment found that there were mistakes in the payment procedure and it has been presented at the Selangor State Assembly (DNS) session on December 3.

The payment involves excess payment to the former MBI Chief Executive Officer, Faekah Husin, and the former Political Secretary, Mustapha Mohd Talib.

Earlier, all eight former officers will examine legal action subsequent to the claim to return the gratuity payment in a rebuttal submitted by them.

Faekah said that all recipients of the gratuity will seek legal advice regarding the letter of claim.

She has instructed her lawyer to claim damages against the new management of MBI for breaching the voluntary separation scheme (VSS).


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