CM’s delegation arrives in Kelantan to hand out flood relief

KOTA BHARU, 26 Dec: The Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, and his delegation arrived safely at the Sultan Petra Airport at around 12 noon.

The delegation was also joined by his Political Secretary, Shuhaimi Shafiei, and state Exco members, Dr Daroyah Alwi and Amirudin Shari.

Mohamed Azmin was greeted by the Deputy Chief Minister of Kelantan, Datuk Nik Amar Abdullah, and several other state PKR machineries.


Earlier, the passengers of MAS were surprised to see Mohamed Azmin sitting in an economy class seat.

During the visit, Mohamed Azmin also handed the RM1 million contribution to the government of Kelantan to help ease the burden of flood victims in the state.

Meanwhile, RM300,000 was distributed to the flood victims in Pahang, Terengganu and Perak, with each state receiving RM100,000.

Until 3pm today, the number of flood victims who have been evacuated in 7 states rose to 118,896 people.


Ten Malayan Railway Berhad (KTM) stations in the east coast could not operate due to flooding that hit the area.

The stations involved are Chegar Perah, Merapoh, Gua Musang, Limau Kasturi, Bertam Baharu, Kemubu, Dabong, Bukit Abu, Manek Urai and Krai.

In Terengganu, the number of flood victims rose to 31,001 people compared to 30,147 in the morning. All of the victims were placed at 98 evacuation centres in four districts.

Most of the victims are from the district of Kemaman, which now stands at 21,381 people, followed by Dungun (7,979), Kuala Terengganu (1,369) and Hulu Terengganu (272).

Besut is the latest area to recover from flooding today when the remaining 317 victims from two evacuation centres were allowed to return to their respective homes.

Until now, several main roads are still closed to all vehicles, including Jalan Chukai to Air Putih, Cheneh Mak Lagam and Jalan Chukai Utama.

In Kuantan, the number of flood victims remain at 35,736 people with most of them being from the district of Kuantan, recording a total of 19,924 victims, according the the Pahang Contingent Police Headquarters Flood Operations Room.

In Perak, the number of flood victims increased to 6,119 people compared to 5,530 victims this morning, involving the three areas in Kuala Kangsar, Hulu Perak and Perak Tengah.

In Perak Tengah, the number of flood victims is now at 2,914 people, Kuala Kangsar (2,579) and Hulu Perak (626).


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