CM: New Year’s celebration with messages of development, reject entertainment concert

HULU KELANG, 25 Dec: The Selangor New Year’s Eve celebration 2015 will be celebrated in moderation but loaded with messages of development and sparking diligent work among the people, said Chief Minister Mohamed Azmin Ali.

He said that the state government will completely reject the national tradition of often hosting mega entertainment concerts to welcome in the New Year.

“We will celebrate it on a rather moderate scale, nothing fancy or extravagant.


“We do not want to inherit the old ways that are laden with entertainment, instead it will feature certain messages to educate the people that the New Year celebration needs to be filled with spirit to be enthusiastic in working and to focus on a more holistic development,” he said.

He said this after attending the ‘Back to School’ programme in AU3 Keramat today.

The state government will focus on filling the celebration with useful messages for the people such as the Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor (MES) and art exhibitions.


“As I stressed in the presentation of the Selangor Budget 2015 the other day, the state development is not only physical but also the development of human capital that includes art.

“We have many local artists, so this opportunity will be taken to exhibit their works of art on a large scale,” he said.

Mohamed Azmin said that the New Year’s Eve celebration will be done in moderation in honour of some major tragedies that happened in the country such as the MH370 and MH17 incidents, as well as the major floods in the East Coast.

“I will announce the assistance to the Kelantan government, following the severe flooding this year, tomorrow,” he said.

For the record, Selangor is entering its fourth year to maintain the concept of moderation without useless entertainment with a theme that is appropriate for all ages.


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