Selangor provides help to flood victims in Kelantan

SHAH ALAM, 25 Dec: The state government will provide assistance to help ease the burden of flood victims in Kelantan.

The PAS Vice-President, Datuk Husam Musa, said that he had already contacted Chief Minister Mohamed Azmin Ali to send donations as a sign of solidarity.


“Thank God the Selangor government has agreed and the amount of assistance will be announced in a day or two,” he said in a statement taken from Harakah Daily.

Husam also stated that he tried to contact the Chief Minister of Penang, Lim Guan Eng, for the same purpose but he is still overseas.

The Salor Assemblyman said that the water levels at major rivers in Kelantan are showing significant improvement.

Husam, who recently visited the Kelantan flood operations room in Kota Darulnaim, said that the water level rose at a critical level at several junctures such as Kuala Krai, however rain has stopped in the entire state.


“About the residents who are trapped on a hill in Manek Urai, the fire-fighters will try to send help tonight and the army will make a third attempt to deliver aid by tomorrow morning.

“Based on the critical situation at this time, if it rains tomorrow the National Security Council must mobilise more machinery and manpower to critical areas as main communication facilities between Kelantan and other states that have been cut off,” he said.

He said that larger fire-fighter boats, for instance, cannot be sent to Kelantan.


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