200 AU3 students receive free school bags, haircut

HULU KELANG, 25 Dec: The Hulu Kelang Assemblyman’s Service Office and the ZONE3 MPAJ Council Member organised the ‘Back to School’ programme in conjunction of the opening of the 2015 school session.

During the programme, 200 AU3 students from Keramat received bags and school supplies, and it was officiated by the Hulu Kelang Assemblyman, Saari Sungib, and also attended by the Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali.

“This is a yearly event that we have organised every year since 2010 to help ease the burden of parents among the less privileged and to provide encouragement to students.


“Based on the records, this year’s participation is the most compared to previous years,” said Mohamed Azmin at the compound of the AU3 Community Hall today.

Primary and secondary students from the constituency were also offered free haircuts from a professional barber specially brought, in addition to receiving school bags and supplies.

The event which took place from 9am to 1pm was also graced by the presence of an Optimus Prime mascot, the main character of the Transformers series.


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