CM visits Nik Aziz at HUSM, visits flood victims in Kuala Krai

KOTA BHARU, 27 Dec: The Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, visited the PAS Mursyidul Am, Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat, at the University of Science Malaysia Hospital (HUSM) today.

Mohamed Azmin spent about 20 minutes with Nik Aziz who is suffering from heart disease.


He then proceeded to visit flood victims by helicopter from the Sultan Ismail Petra Airport today.

The visit was also joined by the Vice President of PAS and Salor Assemblyman, Datuk Husam Musa.

Mohamed Azmin is in Kelantan to look into the flood situation in the state, in addition to presenting a donation of RM1 million, since yesterday and will return to Selangor this evening.

He was also accompanied by his Political Secretary, Shuhaimi Shafiei, his private secretary, Muhammad Hilman Idham, and state Exco members, Dr Daroyah Alwi and Amirudin Shari, as well as the Chairman of the Selangor Humanitarian Aid Mission Association (PANTAS), Hamsah Djabir.


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