Exco portfolios should be arranged to facilitate administration

SHAH ALAM, 25 Nov: The arrangement for the state government portfolios that are overlapping should be summarised and incorporated to facilitate administration.

The Assemblyman for Kampung Tunku, Lau Weng San, said that the Entrepreneur Development portfolio should be joined with the Investment, Industry and Trade portfolio.


Meanwhile, the Welfare portfolio should be joined with the Caring Government portfolio.

“The government should think about changing the Plantation Workers portfolio because the majority of plantation and estate workers in Selangor are foreign workers and not Malaysians of Indian origin.

“This makes the portfolio that was created since the time of the Barisan Nasional government to be inappropriate with current needs” he said during the Selangor Budget 2015 debate speech today.

He said that it would be good that the Pakatan Rakyat government, which is reformist in nature, to look back at the arrangement of all portfolios.


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