2,000 celebrate the CM Thanksgiving Ceremony and the Aidiladha Celebration 2015

HULU KELANG, 6 Oct: Over 2,000 people flooded the AU2 Keramat Field to join the Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, and his wife, Shamshidar Taharin, in the Thanksgiving Ceremony and the Aidiladha Celebration 2015.


This opportunity was taken by the local residents to mingle and take pictures with the PKR Deputy President who was sworn in as the Chief Minister on September 23, replacing Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.


Also present were a number of his close friends and leaders, including Pakatan Rakyat Members of Parliament and Selangor Assemblymen.


Among those present were the Selangor Executive Councillor (Exco), Amiruddin Shaari; the Assemblyman for Hulu Kelang, Saari Sungib; the Assemblyman for Morib, Hasnul Baharuddin; the Member of Parliament for Ampang Zuraida Kamaruddin; the Member of Parliament for Batu, Tian Chua and the Member of Parliament for Petaling Jaya Utara, Tony Pua.

The interesting menu served was satayroti jala, murtabak and sup tulang.



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