Increase in Business License, MPSJ Denies Taking Advantage

SUBANG JAYA, 19 Dec: The Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ) denies the decision to increase the rate of business licence which will be implemented next year, aimed at taking advantage of the crisis of increasing prices faced by the people.

Instead, the action was taken after seeing the appropriateness of the time due to the delay in implementation seven years after the Business and Industrial trade Licensing By-Law (Subang Jaya Municipal Council) 2007 was passed.


The situation also shows that the resolution was made by Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders who administered the state at the time.

The President of MPSJ, Datuk Asmawi Kasbi, said that the law is used by all Local Authorities in Selangor after it was passed in 2007.

“Actually, the issue of the hike in licence rate is not a big one, but the people do not understand the issue of licence rates. The current licence rate was set 20 years ago.

“We never raised the rates. So, we made amendments to the act in 2007 and the state government passed it, but we delayed the implementation, of which will be implemented in 2014.

“If you look at the increase in terms of percentage, it is, of course, high. But the amount is not large. Sundry shops, 180 to 360 only, which is about RM1 per day.

“If previously it was RM50, up by 400 percent is only RM200. For example, if a grocery shop has one shop, the new rate is only RM300 more,” he said in a press conference at MPSJ today.

Asmawi said that the increase of up to 400 percent that has resulted in the licence rates reaching RM1,000 is for industrial licences and not normal businesses.

“We did not distinguish the type of business and industry following the previous rates. But starting from next year, we have separate rates for businesses and other industries based on the 2007 enactment. While most would increase up to RM1,000, it does not involve typical businesses but industries,” he said.

Media reports today stated that the increase of up to 400 percent is ridiculous and the Council Member of Commerce and Industry Klang/Selangor, Datuk Ching Eu Boon, claimed that it is to cover the salary increases of state government leaders.

Asmawi also denied that the action was taken without issuing notice to traders, instead the state government held a meeting with all business associations in Shah Alam in 2012 and 2013 to discuss the matter.

He said that the meeting was chaired by the Executive Councillor for Local Government, Datuk Teng Chang Kim and part of the collection for this licence rate will be used for MPSJ management.

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