Water Restructuring MoU a Strategic Cooperation between the Federal Government and Selangor

SHAH ALAM, 27 Feb: A memorandum of understanding (MoU) to restructure the water industry signed yesterday by the federal government and the state is historic because it involves strategic cooperation between two sides with different political ideologies.

The President of the Malaysian Water and Energy Research Association (Awer), S Piarapakaran, said that the signing of the MoU shows a positive development on the water industry in Selangor which will place importance on the residents of the state, including the Federal Territory.


He said that a project that benefits the people should be carried out immediately without thinking about political ideologies of both sides.

“Although it is a little late, at least it can be resolved when people from all walks of life sets aside political differences and prioritises the needs of the people,” he said in an interview with the Berita Harian newspaper.

The Federal Government and the Selangor Government signed the MoU for the restructuring of the state’s water industry, a problem that has lasted since 2008, last Wednesday.

The Federal Government, represented by the Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water, Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili, while the state government was represented by its Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.

This historic moment took place at the Perdana Putra Complex, and witnessed by Datuk Seri Najib Razak, the Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and the Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Dr Ali Hamsa.

Through the MoU, the Selangor Government will issue the planning authorisation for the construction of the Langat 2 Water Treatment Plant and its Distribution System (LRAL2) effective yesterday and will ensure that all LRAL2 development projects will be approved within 30 days from the date the MoU was signed.

In addition, the Federal Government is ready to inject additional funds to help the state government acquire the water concessionaires and thus allowing it to manage the water supply services in Selangor through a state-owned company.

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