The People Welcome Selangor’s Efforts to Introduce Selangorku Homes

HULU LANGAT, 23 Feb: The people of Selangor welcome the State Government’s efforts in introducing the Selangorku Homes project which is the pilot programme towards the implementation of the ‘One Family, One Home’ mission to fulfil the dreams of those earning a low income to own their own home.


Selangorku Kini had the opportunity to interview a number of visitors who attended the launch and ground-breaking ceremony of this project which was inaugurated by the Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.

Most of those met admitted their difficulty in owning their first home due to the high market price, coupled with their low income scale.

For Mohd Robaai Mustajam, 49, the opportunity to own such a home hopefully will give new hope to the people to own their own homes, especially those blacklisted by banks due to debt.


He said that based on his personal experience with his friends, there are some of them bankrupted by banks for failure to repay loans taken out for businesses previously.

“As I see it, Alhamdulillah, this is a good project. What the CM said is encouraging, especially to those who do not have homes because there are many of my friends who do not have homes in Selangor, especially in the Klang Valley.

“Despite having an income, they have not had a chance because the banks do not cooperate in issuing loans.

“They could merely rent homes for over 20 years. Previously, they took out loans for their business. With what said, there is hope for to afford it, the ability to take out loans,” he said.


Idham Hafiz Haslan, 29, who recently married and has a child said that the attentiveness of the state government by creating this initiative should be supported because it has become the government’s responsibility to help those in need.

“This project is good for the people of Selangor because it is now hard to find a house. If the government helps by building low cost homes, it is something good,” Idham, who is still living with his parents in Hulu Kelang and working as a freelancer in information technology, said.

Meanwhile, Hashim Ismail, 36, is of the opinion that the price offered by the State Government is far cheaper than what is in the current market and is in accordance with the ability of the people to own them.

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