Daroyah Denies Existence of 300 Internet Gambling Centres in Sementa

KLANG, 6 Jan: The allegations that there are 300 internet gambling centres in Sementa, as rumoured by some quarters, is deemed as inaccurate and far from the real number issued by the Klang Municipal Council (MPK).

The Executive Councillor in charge of Health, Entrepreneurial Development, Technological Science and Innovation, Dr Daroyah Alwi, said that she, together with MPK, are always periodically monitoring premises that are found to be involved in internet gambling.


She said that statistics shows that the Sementa constituency had 10 registered cyber cafes, while 34 others have been found to not have valid licences and action has been taken.

“Statistics reported shows that the gambling premises issue in the Sementa constituency is not as many as other places and the fact is those that have been exposed haves been presented by the MPK Chief Enforcement Officer, Andry Arman.

“Allegations that there are 300 gambling premises in Sementa is very inaccurate and false, in fact it has been proven and supported by the issuing of few compounds compared to other locations under MPK.

“MPK has also carried out their duties in premises mentioned and there is no problem regarding this matter,” she said in a press conference at the MPK building today.

Prior to that, the Kapar branch Keadilan Youth (AMK) Chief, Ahmad Kamarudin, claimed that Daroyah, who is also the Assemblywomen of Sementa, had failed to solve several issues, including the allegation that there is a growing number of internet gambling centres in the area.

Kamarudin claimed that the matter had been brought up to Daroyah when she was the Sementa constituency coordinator representing PKR before the 13th General Election, however no action was taken.

Meanwhile, the Member of Parliament for Kapar, G Manivannan, who is also linked with the gambling premises issue, slammed irresponsible individuals who made the allegations and regarded them as false.

He said that MPK has always monitored based on complaints from the public under the existing provisions of the law from time to time.

“I strongly deny allegations stating the Kapar Parliament is like Genting Highlands (a casino centre) because it is clearly false and it has been deliberately brought up to tarnish the image of Executive Councillors and the state government.

“Stop irresponsible allegations and slander. MPK has actively been carrying out their duties to monitor the issue,” he said.

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