Social Site Operators Defaming the Giat MARA Issue Will be Sued

SELAYANG, 16 Jan: The blogger and operator of the pro-Umno page in the Facebook social networking site have been asked to retract defamatory statement on the issue of the Giat MARA Skills Training Centre in Selayang or face a defamation suit.

The Member of Parliament for Selayang, William Leong, said that the statements issued by the two parties associating himself with the closure of the institution is not true and is malicious in nature.


He explained, as a member of parliament, he does not interfere in any matters pertaining to the Giat MARA Skills Training Centre built on the land owned by the State Government.

“I did not know about this issue until it was released by the media. So, I contacted the State Exco for clarification.

“What happened was the training centre was found to not meet the evaluation of the Task Force established by the State Government. That is why the notice was issued,” said William in a press conference at his office.

In this regard, he urged the blogger of ‘Pahangku Media’ and the Facebook operator for the ‘Boikot Barangan Cina DAP’ (Boycott DAP Chinese Goods) page to withdraw the defamatory statement.


“We are now in the process of finding the two involved on these social sites and we will formally send them official lawyer’s letters to retract the statement.

“If after a period of seven days from the date the letter is issued they fail to do so, they will have to face a civil suit from me,” said William.

Among others, through the Pahangku Media site which can be accessed at, William was said to agree with DAP Excos to demolish the institution to build a small condominium on the site.

Yesterday, the Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, said that the State Government was prepared to consider their previous decision if the administration improves the existing building and enhances courses and training programmes.

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