A month’s salary incentive to accommodate after Raya expenditure

SHAH ALAM, 30 June: The one month’s salary incentive in conjunction of the Aidilfitri by the Selangor government proves that public servants are being appreciated following the implementation of policies professionally and with integrity.

The Chief Minister’s Office Operations Assistant, Norshah Hafny Mohd Nazir, 58, said that he is very grateful and thankful to the Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, for the bonus.


“It can lighten our burden in preparing for Raya because expenses are increasing, especially children’s needs,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Chief Minister’s Office Administration Assistant, Mohammad Taufiqil Hafiz, 25, said that the state government’s initiative in giving one month’s salary as a bonus can ease the burden of public servants.

“The bonus will make it easier for us to make early preparations for Raya such as car maintenance before returning home. In addition, it will cover the costs of goods because almost everything is subject to the goods and services tax (GST),” he said.


For Secretary Zarini Zainun, 37, the state government’s attentiveness should be commended for appreciating all public servants.

“I recommend for the Federal government to be more considerate in giving public aid.Look into and hear the voices of the people because we have the right to be more commensurate with the GST rate that they implemented,” he said.

The Selangor Government Secretary’s (SUK) Office Security Unit staff, Johan Alief Ismail, 31, said that the bonus by the state government helps reduce some burden despite the increasing prices.

“We are still grateful even though we know for a fact that it is still not enough. Therefore, the public should be prudent and plan expenditure, and to reduce wastefulness in expenditure,” he said.

SUK Enforcement Officer Misnun Ramli, 63, said that the bonus payment announcement by Moahmed Azmin made public servants in Selangor very happy.

“This can cover Raya costs, including children’s entry to schools and savings after the celebration,” he said.


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