Congratulations, Selangorians, for being bribe-free for seven years

SHAH ALAM, 14 SEP: Selangorians have something to be proud of under the administration of the Pakatan Rakyat government, which has been running the prosperous state bribe-free for seven years.

Deputy Speaker of the Selangor State Assembly (SSA), Mohd Shafie Ngah said that up to now, no leader of the State Government has been charged despite the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) being so responsive and aggressive towards any information related to corrupt activities in Selangor.


He said it is different from the State Government during the Barisan Nasional (BN) era, which was often faced with various scandals during their administration.

“Selangorians have a right to be proud for making the right decision to choose Pakatan in 2008 and 2013.

“The MACC has a high level of preparedness in Selangor compared to other states since Pakatan started administering the state.

“We can see how, in the case of the late Teoh Beng Hock, there was no case in the end. However, the MACC was so strict and quick in running their investigation,” said Shafie to Selangor Kini recently.

He added that the State Government under Pakatan was not only bribe-free but also successful in curbing the practice of wastage and leakages that happened during the BN era.

He explained that this situation has enabled Selangorians to receive various benefits through the state income-sharing concept for the people.

In March, it was exactly seven years since Pakatan took over the reins of the Selangor government after winning 36 out of 56 constituency seats during the 12th General Election (GE12), 2008.

During GE13, 2013, the confidence of Selangorian voters was further strengthened when Pakatan added eight seats, totalling 44 seats compared to GE12.


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