Incomplete Information, Reason PM Team Lost in Selangor


DAMANSARA, 20 May: The main reason why Umno-BN led by Datuk Seri Najib Razak failed to capture Selangor in the recent 13th General Election (GE-13) is because they have no complete information on Selangor.

According to the Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, the Prime Minister has not given a complete clarification to those conducting research in Selangor.

“I found that Najib, in press statements and campaigns in Selangor, does not have correct and detailed information. Therefore, it is very visible that his statement does not have correct information that describes Selangor,” he said in an exclusive interview with the Selangorku Media here at his home.

He added that sometimes, he (Najib) is in a state of panic. For example, ‘the Opposition in Selangor’ is not very good because they do not monitor the state and so on.

“Actually, the statement showed that he was wrong because ‘the Opposition in Selangor’ is Barisan Nasional. This means that he was not given the true information about Selangor.

“Maybe he was given information by a Selangorian who does not like Pakatan Rakyat,” he said.

In jest, Abdul Khalid explained that this situation was a lesson to Pakatan Rakyat so that they would not easily believe professors and academic experts from universities far from Selangor.

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