Shooting Crimes, TPPA Controversy Hides 100 Days After GE-13


SHAH ALAM, 17 August: Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s performance can be seen as shaky and considered the worst in the history of the country when the Prime Minister lost control in managing the country.

100 days after the 13th General Election (GE-13), PKR Vice-President, N Surendran said that Najib has failed in handling the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) while shooting crimes have been on the raise.

“Crimes and shooting cases are on the rise every day, the government cannot address this issue properly.

“Similarly with the democratisation promised by Najib which was also cancelled when the government plans to restore to restore the Emergency Ordinance (EO) laws,” he said.

Speaking to TVSelangor, Surendran said that Najib’s failure proves that the people are faced with a government that has lost control.

“Never before in history have I seen a government that is so weak and ineffective, or even concerned with the problems of the people.

In this regard, he said that Najib should act like a statesman and think of the good of the people and the country if he wants to remain in power.

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