The People Enjoy the Malaysia Day Holiday as a Result of Insistence from Pakatan – Tian Chua


SHAH ALAM, 16 SEPT: Without recommendations and insistence from Pakatan Rakyat leaders, today would not be a public holiday, said PKR Vice-President, Tian Chua, reminding the people of this country that the public holiday enjoyed today is a result of constant struggle from Pakatan Rakyat leaders.

He said that it was a result of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s suggestion that was initially rejected by Umno-BN leaders, but was eventually implemented for the political interest in Sabah and Sarawak.

Prior to this, he said, the government leadership gave the excuse that the Malaysia Day celebration may divide the existing unity and mislead the people.

“The Malaysia Day date has been hidden by BN all these years. Every time we mentioned Malaysia Day, it was said to divide Malaysia.

“It was just a baseless slander. Finally, after we fought for it, it was eventually accepted, not because of its truth, but to bow to the peoples wishes,” he told TV Selangor today.

Malaysia Day is celebrated every 16 September since several years ago to commemorate the establishment of the Federation of Malaysia which included Sabah and Sarawak in 1963.

It is among Pakatan’s projects which was later plagiarised by Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

The Batu Member of Parliament said that the appreciation of Malaysia Day should be sown in line with the country’s Constitution, thus eliminating the practice racial ram fighting politics by Umno-BN.

“We do not see the spirit of realising (Malaysia Day) by only celebrating it.

“We are celebrating 50 years (the formation of Malaysia) but till now, Umno-BN still practices politics of racial ram fighting between races,” he said.

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