CM: Horas project ready in Sept 2015, 600 million litres of water to supply 3 plants

PUTRAJAYA, 29 Nov: The Chief Minster, Mohamed Azmin Ali, said that the Hybrid Off-River Augmentation System (HORAS) 600 project which is being developed by the Selangor government shows a project development of 35 percent.

According to him, the project is for the success of the Mitigation 2 to increase the capacity to produce treated water at the SSP1, SSP3 and the Rasah Treatment Plants.


“The Mitigation 2 project will not be successful if there is no adequate supply of raw water.

“That is why we want to ensure that the Horas 600 project can be completed by September 2015,” he said.

Although it has only reached 35 percent, Horas 600 has successfully produced 160 million litres of raw water per day.

When fully completed, it is expected for 600 million litres of raw water per day can be supplied to the three treatment plants concerned.


In the meantime, Mohamed Azmin also congratulated the success of Konsortium ABBAS Sdn Bhd (Abbas) of becoming the first water treatment plant in Malaysia to obtain the ISO 22301:2012 certification for Business Continuity Management System.

He said that this certification proves that the Selangor government, through Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor and Konsortium Abbas, has the ability to manage the Selangor Water Industry.

“This is a good start for assuring the water consumers in Selangor and the Federal Territories of Putrajaya and Kuala Lumpur that we have strong commitment to produce clean water for consumers.

“Our focus after completing the acquisition of the Selangor Water Industry is to reduce the rate of Non-Revenue Water (NRW) which is still high today and it will be done immediately by the new water management of Selangor.

“With this record by Abbas, we are confident to achieve the target,” he said.


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