Abdul Khalid: More than one CM candidate was nominated in 2008, 2013

SHAH ALAM, 27 Aug: More than one name was nominated by Pakatan Rakyat (PR) to the Palace for the position of Chief Minister of Selangor after the 2008 and 2013 General Elections and not a single candidate as claimed.

The Chief Minster, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, said that there was an application for candidates other than him nominated by PKR and PAS from time to time after both the general elections took place.


In relation to that, he said that PKR’s move to nominate on name only being is in line with the convention of the Chief Minister nomination in 2013, including noting the Sultan of Selangor’s decree, as claimed is inaccurate.

“I cannot make any comments (on the nomination of Chief Minister) because it is up to Pakatan, therefore any statements on this matter will be done by the Palace.

“There were other applications made by PKR and PAS in 2008 and 2013, the report (of only one name) was not reported accurately because more than one name was sent from time to time to the Palace,

Yesterday, PKR and DAP said that they will only nominate the President of PKR, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, to be presented to Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah as the new Selangor Chief Minister.

In a joint statement by the both parties, the action is taken in line with the Chief Minister nomination convention in 2013 and it takes into account the Sultan’s decree.

After the last general election, according to PKR and DAP, the parties in Pakatan Rakyat only nominated Abdul Khalid although the Palace asked for more than one name.

In the meantime, Abdul Khalid said that he does not intend to submit a proposal to dissolve the Selangor State Assembly if the Sultan of Selangor rejects the proposed named submitted by PKR.

“We will wait for the appointment of the new Chief Minister because when the Chief Minister is appointed, the issue of dissolving (the State Assembly) does not arise,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Selangor PAS Commissioner, Iskandar Abdul Samad, said that his party has not set any decision regarding the nomination of candidates for the position of the top leader in the state.

He said that any decision will be determined by the Central PAS through a meeting which is due to be held in the near future.

“We do not have a proposal yet and there has been no meeting yet. I am not sure when the meeting will take place, but certainly before the time set by the Palace,” he said.


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