SHAH ALAM, 4 Dec: RM500 is left from the salaries received by the Selangor State Legislative Members (Assemblymen) and this is inadequate to meet the needs of their families if a salary adjustment is not implemented as announced recently.
The Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, said that this happens when spending in the form of contributions are extended by the representatives of the people to local communities they represent.
“An Assemblyman earns RM6,000 and every week, RM500 needs to be spent for contributions for newlyweds, people who come to the office and people who die. The overall monthly contribution reached RM2,000 and only RM4,000 is left.
“After paying for their car, homes and other payments, it reaches RM2,000. RM1,000 is given to the party. RM500 goes to buying clothes if they are style conscious, which leaves RM500 for schooling children and family expenses.
“So how can they spend? And that is why I raise the salaries because it is difficult for Assemblymen to work,” he said.
Abdul Khalid said this in his opening speech of the Kenali Kampungku/Bagan/Tersusun Workshop for Hulu Selangor and Sabak Bernam at the Silver Jubilee Hall, Selangor State Secretariat Building (SUK) today.
Abdul Khalid said that the decision to increase the salaries may reduce the risk of government leaders, who are often exposed, to corruption.
“I do not want Assemblymen to lack money to take care of the local community. Otherwise, they might ask bosses here and there for money. It will be very difficult and the state will also be implicated in the problem,” he said.
Previously, the former Mufti of Perlis, Assoc Prof Datuk Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, said that the move to increase wages may curb the Chief Minister, Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Excos and Assemblymen of Selangor to be involved in corruption according to the Islamic perspective.
“If the question of accountability has already been stressed and the increase of salary is carried out as a measure to uplift it, then it is not a problem. Regardless whether it is the Chief Minister, Assemblymen or Members of Parliament, their salaries can be increased or if it is proven that they have never taken any other profits, apart from their received pay,” he said.