MH17: Selangor prepared to help lighten the burden of relatives

PETALING JAYA, 20 July: The Selangor Government is considering providing contributions to help ease the burden of families of MAS MH17 passengers.

The Executive Councillor in charge of Welfare and Women’s Affairs, Rodziah Ismail, said that this was suggested to the Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, and will be brought to the Exco meeting this Wednesday.


She said that all decisions will be informed by Tan Sri Abdul Khalid after the meeting.

“We extend our condolences. Something we thought would never would happen suddenly took place. This is the second terrible disaster that has happened to MH.

“While the reputation of MAS (Malaysia Airlines System) has gone down slightly, I urge Malaysians to re-unite to pray so that MAS would recover in terms of performance and in terms of the perceptions of the international community on their service,” she told Selangor Kini.

The MH17 aircraft accident is the second incident experienced by MAS within four months, after the disappearance of the MH370 aircraft in March, when it was shot down by rebel forces in Kiev.

The Batu Tiga Assemblywoman added that the Malaysian Government should look into why this country was a target and to improve the reputation of the country in the eyes of the world, and to take the mastermind of this incident to justice.

She also urged the other state governments in the state to care about the fate of the relatives of the MH17 passengers.

Prior to this, Rodziah launched the ‘Healthy Meals for the Whole Family’ Centralised Kitchen Programme where food was given to the less fortunate in Selangor.

A total of 3,000 food packets were provided by the parishioners of the Kampung Lindungan Mosque, in collaboration with the Council Members of Petaling Jaya Zone 24.

The Centralised Kitchen Programme idea was acquired during the State Government’s working visit to Bangkok, Thailand, early this year.

The first time the programme was carried out was by the Padang Jawa Mosque and she hopes that it will take place once a month, with the cooperation of all houses of worship in Selangor.


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