PAS and DAP Continues to Support Abdul Khalid as the Chief Minister Candidate


SHAH ALAM, 10 May: The DAP and PAS leadership continues to unanimously elect Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim from PKR as Chief Minister of Selangor for a second term.

Speaking in front of about 30,000 spectators at the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat Victory Thanksgiving Ceremony, Selangor DAP Chairman, Teresa Kok said that the Central SAP leadership has sent a letter of support to DYMM the Sultan of Selangor to keep Abdul Khalid as Chief Minister.

The former Selangor Executive Councillor said that the letter was sent to DYMM Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah yesterday.

“I hope there is no problem with the Chief Minister post. We also hope that the people support the new government to ensure greater excellence,” she said.

Meanwhile, Shah Alam Member of Parliament, Khalid Samad also stated that PAS is of the same stance.

He said that he received a letter from the President of PAS, Datuk Seri Hadi Awang two days ago, giving support to Abdul Khalid to remain as Chief Minister.

“If the people of PAS do not believe it, I could show the letter even if I have to paste it on my forehead,” he said jokingly.

He said that the unanimous decision to choose Abdul Khalid as Chief Minister shows consensus within PR.

“This is the attitude of parties in Pakatan, we do not assume positions as trophies to be grabbed and fought over.

“DAP did not say that they have more right (to the post) because they won with a greater majority. Not even PAS even though PAS won many (seats).

“I was asked by reporters previously, I answered that if a football team became champion and suddenly changed the manager, it is an unwise and strange action,” he said.

Meanwhile, Abdul Khalid when met said that he is grateful because DAP and PAS supports him to remain as Chief Minister.

“I am grateful to both parties. The same goes for the people who support me.

“It is something new in Malaysian politics when the people themselves determine the leadership,” he said.

Recently, DAP Secretary General, Lim Guan Eng in a statement also expressed support in choosing Abdul Khalid as Chief Minister.

The decision for Chief Minister will be announced by DYMM the Sultan of Selangor.

Selangor PR successfully managed to form a new government after winning two-thirds with a majority of 44 out of 56 State Legislative Assembly seats in the 13th General Election.

DAP and PAS each won 15 seats while PKR won 14 seats.

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