Auditor General’s Report Revealed Police Losing Many Handcuffs and Firearms


KUALA LUMPUR, 1 Oct: The Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) lost 309 assets worth RM1.33 million, revealed the Auditor General’s report today.

According to the Malaysian Insider, the assets most misplaced from year 2010 to 2013 are handcuffs at a total of 156 units.

According to the statistics issued by the Asset Management Division, the Logistics Department stated that the main categories of assets lost were 156 units of handcuffs, followed by 44 units of firearms and 29 units of vehicles.

“The audits performed found that on the whole, the asset management at the PDRM headquarters and three Police Contingents (IPK) examined were less than satisfactory.

“Improper and unsystematic asset management could result in loss of assets, particularly firearms and handcuffs that could threaten public safety ,” the report said.

Other drawbacks include lost assets being detected late, delay in reporting the loss to the Head of Department and Police, the lateness in the Head of Police preparing the Preliminary Report of Loss of Assets, the late establishment of a Case Investigation Committee in charge of lost assets, and the Loss of Assets Committee being late in preparing the Final Report.

– The Malaysian Insider

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