Exco: Mysteriously Disappeared MH370, Increase Prayers to Ease Search

SHAH ALAM, 10 Mar: Muslims have been asked to hold prayers personally or in a congregation to pray for the search and rescue operation of the MH370 aircraft to be successful.

Selangor Executive Councillor, Iskandar Samad, said that the public have been advised to be calm and to not point fingers in blaming anyone regarding the MH370 aircraft, which disappeared two days ago.


He said, however, the Government and parties involved should correct weaknesses in preparation for the future.

“Efforts must also be undertaken to repair any flaws that may exist to ensure such incidents do not recur,” he said in a statement.

Iskandar also reminded the public to be more sensitive and not make any speculations regarding the case.

Instead, get news and information from official channels.

“I also pray that the families of those involved are given patience and perseverance by Allah SWT to face this trial.

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