RKRS enhanced living standard of 3,000 participants

SHAH ALAM, OCT 6: The living standard of about 3,000 residents, the majority of whom were born in Selangor, has improved to a better level after joining the Selangor Citizens’ Career Stimulus (RKRS) programme since 2011.

The Perangsang Selangor Public Relations, Media and CSR Associate Director, Mohd Fauzi Mohd Ghazali said, RKRS is a Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR) programme with a total budget allocation of RM30.

“The programme involves entrepreneurial and non-entrpreneurial including soft-skills courses and training, aimed especially at those without any income or low-income earners who fall below the Selangor poverty line, a monthly RM1,500 per household.


“Participants must show the interest to improve themselves regardless of them being employed or operating small businesses, and eventually generate a more stable income,” he said to Bernama in an interview recently.

He said the courses offered include livestock breeding, traditional post maternity care, clinical cupping treatment, air condition service and repair, building construction, tailoring, bread and cake making, instant printing, leading haj tours (mutawif) and childcare services.

He also noted that the programme particpants, ranging from youths, graduates, the unemployed, single mothers, retirees and the people with different abilities (OKU), have seen tremendous progress where those in livestock breeding are earning between RM500-RM10,000, the ones operating mobile spas (RM500-RM8,000), those who provided clinical cupping treatment (RM500-RM10,000), building contractors (RM1,500-RM40,000) and air-conditioner servicing business operators earn between RM1,500-RM4,000.

He added that the courses and training are conducted by training agencies, as mentors appointed by Perangsang Selangor, upon meeting several conditions.


“Since last year, Perangsang Selangor has established cooperation with Yayasan Hijrah Selangor to help extend microcredit facilities to the people of Selangor to start businesses.

Perangsang Selangor has won two awards – ‘Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards’ in the Social Empowerment Category of Enterprise Asia’ in 2013 and 2015 respectively in Singapore and Macau. The corporation was selected for the award out of 316 corporations from Asia that vied for the award.

Perangsang Selangor also has CSR programmes involving athlete development, and the Rangsangan Tanggungjawab Masyarakat Selangor that looks into the spiritual and welfare needs of certain bodies and Perangsang Selangor employees especially in times of need.

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