BSM issue: CM to announce final decision on June 23

SHAH ALAM, 18 June: The decision regarding the return of Bibles to the Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM) will be announced by the State Government on June 23, said the Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.

He said that the meeting with the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, was held this morning, however, informed that a second meeting will be held tomorrow to receive the final decision regarding the matter.


He said that he should be fair to all parties to ensure that the issue, which has lasted since January, can be fully resolved.

“I will face the Sultan to receive the final decision so that I can meet with BSM on Monday (June 23).

“I have received the advice of the Sultan, but I cannot explain his advice because the discussion has not ended,” he said during a press conference after the Selangor State Assembly (DNS) session today.

At the same time, Abdul Khalid said that the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (MAIS) had never refused to return the Bibles, but they insisted that they are responsible for the enactment that was not observed by the society.

He also said that they do not intend to strip the executive power of MAIS, as suggested by four Selangor PAS Members of Parliament yesterday (June 17) because there is no requirement to do so.

“The matter did not arise (to strip them of power)…not yet. There is a process and we have to follow steps because when I know (the decision), I will have to call JAIS and MAIS to inform them before informing the public,” he said.


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