Excellent KUIS produces professional hafiz


BANDAR SERI PUTRA, JAN 23: Selangor International Islamic College University’s (KUIS) excellence in education and also producing professional hafiz (Muslim who knows the al-Quran by heart) is impressive and consistent with the State Government’s goal to turn it into an Islamic education hub.

Islamic Religious Affairs, Malay Customs & Heritage, Rural & Traditional Villages Development Exco Dato’ Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi said the success is a blessing stemming from cooperation between the management and staff who are always prepared in providing knowledge on religion and al-Quran.

Yunus“Penghargaan khusus Kerajaan Negeri kepada pengurusan KUIS di bawah pimpinan Rektornya, Prof Dato’ Dr Ab Halim Tamuri yang berjaya mentadbir dengan cemerlang sebagai sebuah institusi pendidikan Islam yang melahirkan kalangan daei, ulama dan umara.

“A special appreciation from the State Government to KUIS’s management under the leadership of Rector Prof Dato’ Dr Ab Halim Tamuri, whose excellent administration has produced many Islamic ‘daei’ (proselytiser), scholars and leaders.

“In fact, the State Government intends to turn KUIS into a hub which produces hafiz in Selangor,” he said.

He said that in his speech representing Dato’ Menteri Besar, Dato’ Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali in the KUIS and State Government’s Appreciation of Tahfiz Graduates and Launch of Syariah and Islamic Law Faculty Ceremony, on January 23.

He also congratulated KUIS for organising the ceremony in appreciation of 545 students who are continuing their studies in diploma and degree levels in the field.

“Al-Quran is the highest honour as the words of Allah S.W.T., revealed with much blessing and guides humans to the right path.

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“There is truly nothing bad in it, and the best of humans are they who learn and teach al-Quran,” he said.

The ceremony was also in appreciation of the State Government and its subsidiaries, which had helped make the KUIS Hafiz and al-Qiraat Education Fund a success with an annual allocation of RM5 million.

Among the subsidiaries are Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS), WorldWide Holding Bhd, Dato’ Menteri Besar Selangor Incorporation (MBI), Selangor Plantation Development Corporation (PKPS) and Kumpulan Semesta Sdn Bhd.

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