CM: Respect the royal institution, mutually respect each other

SHAH ALAM, 27 July: The Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, reminded that as the leader of the richest and most advanced State Government, the people have been asked to respect the constitutional monarchy institution as the ruler of this state and the leaders who are currently leading the present state government.

Abdul Khalid said that based on the situation in Selangor, where the residents are multi-racial and multi-religious, he urged every citizen of the state to mutually respect, be fair and to not insult the customs and heritage of other races or religions.


“It is hoped that the practice of visiting one another during festive seasons will be carried out by the people of Selangor.

“Hopefully this practice can create an understanding that can prevent acts of prejudice or ‘insulting’ the customs and behaviour of other religions and races” said Abdul Khalid in his Aidilfitri message.

Abdul Khalid said that leaders are always changing, while the government often changes its ways and style. However, the changing of leaders and government has proven to be smoother and beneficial to the people and the country if it is determined by the majority of people through the general elections.


“Representing the State Government and the people of Selangor, I would like to express my sincere condolences to the family members, friends and acquaintances of the passengers and crew of MH17 and to not forget the passengers and crew of MH370.

“Our prayers and memory will always be with the family and friends of the passengers and crew. And we pray that their souls are blessed by God,” said Abdul Khalid.

He said that in honour of the victims of these two tragedies, the Selangor Government has cancelled the Aidilfitri Open House which was supposed to be held on 1 Shawwal, as the years before.

“This is a sign that the State Government and the people of Selangor also share the grief and sorrow faced by the family and friends of the MH17 and MH370 tragedy victims,” said Abdul Khalid.


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