TAWAS Presents Accounts Statement to Participants from Sabak

SABAK BERNAM, 13 Apr: The Selangor Children’s Heritage Fund (TAWAS) held a ceremony to present the TAWAS account statements at a public hall in the area of Sabak.

The ceremony was inaugurated by the Executive Councillor for Islamic Affairs, Modernisation, Agriculture and Rural Development, Sallehen Mukhyi, by presenting TAWAS account statements to 33 participants who previously registered.


About 2000 participants registered under TAWAS for the area of Sabak Bernam, involving Selangor-born children.

The event was also enlivened by over 200 children, who were present with their parents, and the residents of the area before ending with a lunch feast.

The majority of participants expressed gratitude and thanks to the State Government, which is always attentive about the people’s welfare, involving people of all ages, when offering various schemes and facilities in stages.

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