Water Rationing Continues, Drought Expected to End in Early April

SHAH ALAM, 26 Mar: The water rationing plan which is being implemented in Selangor will continue until the percentage of water in dams in the state reach 65 to 70 percent.

The Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, said that the decision was made to ensure that the water supply in Selangor is able to last until the end of the dry season that the country is currently experiencing.

“Actually, we expect rain this week, but the Meteorological Department confirmed that it will take place in the first week of April.


Therefore, we will not change the decision to continue this water rationing programme until it rains and the percentage of water in dams exceed 65 to 70 percent,” he said.

Abdul Khalid said this at a press conference after chairing the State Government Executive Council Meeting at the State Government Secretary (SUK) building today.

Since early March, the water supply in Selangor has been rationed because of the water level at dams in that state declined due to the drought that has hit the country.


On 15 and 16 March, LUAS, with cooperation from the Malaysian Meteorological Department (MetMalaysia) successfully carried out cloud seeding with rainfall being recorded at 3mm to 22.5mm. Apart from Selangor, several other states such as Johor, Malacca, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang and Kedah have also implemented water rationing programmes.

Although that has been rain in the past week, it is still not enough to reach a satisfactory level to stop the rationing plan.

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