Postpone demolition of Tmn Ehsan, MPS asked to review decision

SHAH ALAM, 23 Jan: The Selayang Municipal Council (MPS) has been asked to postpone the demolition of the Taman Ehsan Public Market to make way for discussions between the representatives of the traders, Paya Jaras Assemblyman Mohd Khairuddin Othman and MPS.

Mohd Khairuddin said that this is contained in his letter dated January 5 to MPS.

“My office was contacted by MPS and they agreed to hold a discussion on February 4 at the Council office,” said Mohd Khairuddin when contacted by Selangor Kini today.


He explained that among the things contained in his letter to MPS, he asked for the existing business structure to not be disturbed until a new site in a nearby area is provided to the traders involved.

“I am not against development, but what is important is that MPS should not harm any party by prioritising the interests of residents and traders by holding discussions before making any decision,” he said.

It is understood by Selangor Kini that MPS decided to demolish the Taman Ehsan Public Market and replace it with a shophouse project that will be developed by a private developer as a source of income to MPS following the high real estate valuation.

Previously, MPS issued a notice to vacate the shop lots in the market to make way for the demolition, which was originally scheduled to take place on January 28.

However, the action received opposition from the Assemblyman, 51 traders and the locals.


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