Allowance of Selangor KAFA teachers expected to increase again this year

KAJANG, 29 Jan: The allowances of Al-Quran and Fardu Ain (Kafa) Class teachers in Selangor are expected to be increased again this year.

The Exco member of Islamic Affairs, Datuk Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi, said that studies on the matter have been completed and will be presented at the State Executive Council (MMKN) meeting in the near future.


“We will look at some justifications to be considered to be presented in the form of proposals to the MMKN in a week or two.

“Currently, we are focusing on how to provide more benefits to these Kafa teachers,” he said.

Earlier, he officiated the closing ceremony of the Multaqa Imam ceremony for Mosque Council Members, Kafa Teachers and Takmir Teachers for the State of Selangor 2015 at the Selangor Islamic University College (Kuis) today.


Also present was the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Depratment, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharoml the Director General of the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (JAKIM), Datuk Othman Mustapha; and the Chairman of the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais), Datuk Mohamad Adzib Mohd Isa.

Prior to this, the salaries of Kafa teachers were increased from RM738.30 to RM1,000 and the allowances for Kafa supervisors from RM1,112.00 to RM1,500.

The state government has once again announced the increase of Kafa teachers’ salaries from RM1,000 to RM1,300 by approving additional allowances of RM300.


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